My Official Promo Video for Social Media Guru 365™️ + Q&A with the producer, Sergey Abramov.

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Enjoy the video produced by

Q&A session with Sergey Abramov, owner of NEW WEST VIDEO:

1) How long have you been doing professional video production?

2) What is it like working with local businesses?

3) Best advice you can give a newbie videographer?

4) What did you think of Marc Jeret and your experience with him?

5) Can you share an experience in the e-commerce business that happened via digital media?

 1) since 2012

2) Respect and care!

3) Create a project workflow and follow it!

4) Fun, ideas, creativity and professionalism. 

5) Online events were the only official source for Networking during the restriction times.

The better you present yourself or your business, the faster you can have a reaction and inquiries for new business or collaboration.  

Having your business represented with video (not a promo piece but an informational spot) you won't spend much time to get properly introduced and your pre-recorded message will be to the point 100% of the time. Deliver your general important info and leave the specifics for Q&A in person later!

Using video as a "scroll stoppers" and "media hooks" will bring awareness and make your information easy to digest too many.

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